Naturally You
Saturday, December 22, 2007
  Cure for Sore Throats and Colds
There is nothing I despise like having a sore throat, I would rather have a runny nose then a burning throat. Nevertheless, both are equally uncomfortable and usually last for about a week or so.

I am not a big fan of over the counter medication such as asprin etc especially now that I am pregnant with our second child I don’t like the idea of taking anything that could harm the baby. Although it is a well known fact that asprin is safe to take after the first trimester but I guess I am who I am

To make a long story short whenever I feel my throat start to itch or getting a runny nose I immediately prepare the following:

Ginger and Honey Mix

What you will need
Boiling Water
Slices of ginger (without skin) about 7 or 8 slices (the stronger the better)
Lemon (optional)

In a mug add the ginger slices, then boiling water and add honey (according to taste) I like it really sweet. Stir well andadd a squeeze of lemon if you wish!

I drink this at least 3 times a day and I always feel better and it does make a difference, try it and let me know what you think.

For a bad throat l use is a Mouth Gargle one I really like is Betadine

Photo taken from

Here is a link with more info on Betadine
Wishing you all good health...

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I like the new blog look.

I use powdered ginger mixed with honey for sore throat.
Sounds great! I wonder if candied ginger would work?

Co-Blogger: Her Natural Beauty
I never tried candied ginger before! Is it available in all drug stores?
I dont think candied ginger would work! because candied ginger is ginger cooked in sugar syrup which would destroy the natural goodness found in ginger.

So i would suggest fresh ginger or powdered ginger as a substitute.

Apparently you can find candied ginger in Al Fair but you can easily make your own or any candied fruit actually.
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